Friday, December 10, 2010


It snowed so much here on Wednesday! I've been hoping it would snow before I leave so I was totally into it, but it definitely caused some complications... the buses weren't running and the airport was shut down for a while. Luckily I was neither bussing or flying anywhere! And my Canadian-ness finally paid off - navigating through snow is second nature for me, but the Parisians definitely lost some of their composure.

It was cold enough that I didn't venture too far away from my apartment, so I ended up at the Pantheon. The crypt was actually amazing, and seeing Rousseau and Voltaire definitely stirred up some sentiment for my days in undergrad studying political theory. Foucault's pendulum was also pretty incredible - it's kind of mesmerizing to just watch the ball go back and forth and change angles.

Here are some pictures from the snowfall and the Pantheon, and a few of yesterday's amazing sunset from the Tuileries...

From my apartment...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Door Details

Just as a random, and probably unnecessary, supplement to my last post - I fell in love with some doors/shutters at Versailles. I wasted what was left of my camera battery and took a million pictures of really pretty painted and carved flowers. Kait had to come back because I took so long and found me crouched around a random window, which seemed to be the only one with this type of treatment - I'm more than certain people thought I lost my mind. But check it out, I'm in love with them...

The last week...

Sorry! I've been a total blog slacker... I'm going to blame it on the weather - It's so gray and snowy and cold. I really don't feel like doing much of anything besides reading and drinking tea. And Kait was here, so she was pretty distracting (in the best possible way, of course!)

I will fully admit to having the memory of a goldfish, so the writing of this post will not be that lengthy, but there are plenty of photos! Except my camera took a tumble at the concert and hasn't quite regained its full function - We got this shot before that though.

The rest of the night was super fun and a lot more crazy than my usual days of museum-going and pastry-eating. Its kind of nice to party once in a while - I usually feel a lot older than my 23 years, so its a good reminder I've got some of my youth left. I think that same day we went to Pompidou... I'm not a huge contemporary art fan but I'm glad I finally went. Mostly just because the escalator was so cool and there's a really good view from the top floor.

Afterwards we just walked around. I found a store with my name but unfortunate spelling, and there's also a pastry named after Caroline, my brother's girlfriend (spelled correctly!)

We went to Versailles and it was seriously magical. The palace itself was cool to see but walking around the gardens was just incredible. It was pretty much freezing but the light was amazing. There was a little bit of snow on the ground and hardly anybody was there. It felt like we were in our own fantasy land. We went to the Grand and Petit Trianon, but the best was the little faux-village that Marie Antoinette had built. There were little bridges and swans and a sunset... it was one the most beautiful things I've ever seen and a total highlight of my entire experience here.

It was soooo cold...

This is for my friend Angelica because she likes to weave, I'm pretty sure this is her dream spot...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Kait's Here!

My cousin is here for a visit! She got in on Tuesday night and we’ve been having some pretty fun girl time ever since. Only boys have visited me up until now (with the exception of my Mom) so its nice to share all things fashion/art/pastry-related.

It was really nice outside yesterday (well, still freezing but sunny) so we went for a walk. We went to the Arts Decoratifs museum (mostly just to warm up my ears) and then came across the ferris wheel, which was set up right in the Concorde. I felt like someone was playing a trick on me because I’ve heard about it before but have never seen it, and I pass the Concorde all the time... So, obviously, I had to go. We’re both not very into heights, so it was a bit sketchy at parts but totally worth the view.

Afterwards we walked up to the Palais Garnier and Lafayette. We stopped for lunch and some shopping, and came across two stores packed with Lanvin for H&M! I had stopped by a few H&Ms on Monday to check it out because there’s been so much hype about this collaboration, but there was nothing to be seen. I figured it was all sold out until yesterday when we found all the tulle, ribbon and unfinished edges you could ever want. I wasn’t really a huge fan of the clothes or shoes (unbelievably painful for just a few seconds!) but ended up getting a necklace and some tights.

Anyway, we’re not entirely sure what we’re doing today - maybe Centre Pompidou - but we’re going to the Two Door Cinema Club concert tonight and I’m super excited about it!

Here are some pictures from yesterday, as well as a few I took of the St. Eustache Church before Kait came...

Lanvin for H&M at the store right across from Lafayette...

My head and the Christmas lights at Printemps...

St. Eustache, which was way bigger, more colorful and cooler than I expected...