Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I've made it! After a long time of planning, day dreaming, and editing my closet - I'm finally in Paris!

It was actually a pretty uneventful travel day. I left from Vancouver Monday morning, stopped over in Montreal, and got here the Tuesday morning. Besides the flight being a little late, there were no notable problems - apart from a missing sandwich. I bought it on the plane, ate half of it, and have no idea what happened to the rest... I think Montreal is the Bermuda Triangle of Canada. That explains the sandwich and my lost blackberry at the Trudeau airport a couple months ago.

Other than that, it was a really easy trip. The person beside me was super nice and convinced me I should take a taxi instead of the train into the city - especially considering my luggage weighs more than I do. It was such a good decision - I didn't have to wrestle my bags through turn stiles or lug them up any stairs. A thirty minute car ride and a couple more euros later and I was practically at my new doorstep.

My landlady met me at the apartment a little later and gave me the grand tour. Its a pretty basic apartment but with so much charm - built ins from ages ago, tall ceilings and windows, moldings, creaky hardwood floors... It could use a little help on the decorating front, but I'm sure within a couple weeks, I'll have it beautified! My first order of business is to plant some red geraniums in the flower box outside the windows (Is there anything more French?) There's a flower market next Sunday close by, I think, so I'll do it then. I also need more hangers... But otherwise everything is perfect for me!

After unpacking most of my stuff, I gave in and had a nap (if four hours even counts a nap?!) and then went on a mission to get some food. I went on an amazing walk past the Notre Dame, down the Rue de Rivoli, up to the Opera, and then back through the Tulieries gardens. Seriously incredible - like, am I really here?! Also, I went down Rue de Cambon and saw the mirred stairs to Chanel's apartment! My heart definitely skipped a beat or two or three...

I would've gone in but I was toting around my Monoprix purchases. So instead, I went to sit down on a bench and have some lunch. Lucky for me they sell individual servings of wine, so I had one of those with some delicious cheese and melba toast-like crackers and cherry tomatoes. I also got some cereal and milk for the morning, and fig flavored yogurt! Its going to be good for sure.

I'm back at the apartment now and will try to organize all my stuff. I'll post some pictures I took on my walk today. I didn't take too many, but I'm sure there will more in the near future.

For those wondering how to get a hold of me... I have my blackberry here so you can bbm or text me anytime, email or ichat or skype (lindseyrbruce) is also great. I have a land phone here that can call international unlimited, so if you want to talk on the phone, let me know where and when to call, and I will.

I hope everyone is having a great Monday (or Tuesday... I still can't figure it out!)!! Lots of love xoxo

Lunch spot:

The street my apartment is on in the morning...

... And later in the afternoon

The door to the apartment


  1. As your biggest fan, let me be the first to say "I'm soooooo Jealous!!" Smell every rose you find and have a croissant for me in the morning. Love, Mom

  2. Count me extremely jealous-- my heart aches a little seeing how beautiful everything is :) Have the best. time. EVER.
