Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Catacombs and Mont Saint Michel!

Sorry for the lack of updates! We were super busy this weekend and then I came down with a bad case of food poisoning (or something like it) - totally gross but at least a legitimate excuse for not posting anything! I’m feeling a bit better now and think by tomorrow I’ll be 100% again (Although I did also say that yesterday, but fingers crossed!)

Anyway, I’ll pick up from where I left off - the creepy, crawly catacombs! I generally get pretty squeamish with anything remotely scary but I’m actually really glad I went... It wasn’t nearly as terrifying as I thought it would be! I mean, seeing the bones of six million dead people in crowded underground tunnels causes a certain kind of reflection, but it wasn’t morbid at all. It seemed more artful than anything as the bones were all arranged and clearly cared after. I was a little apprehensive of taking pictures (I don’t think I’d want my skeleton to be photographed!) but I did anyway...

After the catacombs we went for lunch at a cafe, walked around the Luxembourg Gardens, and stopped at the Gerard Mulot patisserie! Lemon tarts are quickly becoming a new favorite...

On Saturday we went to Mont Saint Michel. We went with a tour group, which was mostly great just because it was so easy but was also a little too 'touristy' at times (as expected). We left really early in the morning and made the four hour drive to the coast. Lunch was arranged for us and was entirely awful (uncooked omelette, overcooked fish and a desert not worth the calories) but the restaurant was saved with an amazing view. We spent most of the afternoon on a guided tour of the monastery and learned some very interesting French history. The building itself is amazing - the architecture combined with the views and location is incredible! It was a really fun place to take pictures...

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