Monday, November 15, 2010

Les Invalides, Lauduree, and Canal St. Martin (these titles are getting pathetically unoriginal)

Daniel left on Saturday and made it home safe and sound. It was a ton of fun having him here and I managed to check off quite a few things on my to-do list...

For Remembrance Day we went to the war museum at Les Invalides, despite the most awful weather - my brother’s newly purchased umbrella barely lasted a few seconds before flipping inside out and breaking! Mine, thankfully, stayed intact and I should give sole credit to Matt because he convinced me to get the good one when he was here - totally worth it!

Even though we were both seriously windblown, the exhibit was really great. We only had the stamina for the WWI and WWII portion of the museum but it was so interesting to see the European perspective of those events. Everything seemed so immediate and personal. The most memorable thing for me was seeing a soldier’s coat that was still caked with mud from the trenches, and the display of identity cards of Jewish Parisians. Its pretty haunting to think of how those people suffered, but it definitely makes me more than grateful for what I have.

I didn’t take any pictures in the museum, but we also went to Napoleon’s tomb. It is huge! The building is pretty impressive too, especially the dome.

On Daniel's last day we mostly just walked around and did some last minute shopping - and eating! We went to Lauduree for a late lunch and it was unbelievable! I started with chestnut soup, had the lamb and finished with a violet cream filled puff pastry and a sampling of their famous macarons. The chestnut soup was the best - I could live in its smell! Unfortunately, none of the pictures I took turned out very well, but here's the macarons at least...

On our way back home, I had a close encounter with a pick-pocketer! It was totally my fault (although I'm sure some of it could be blamed on a Lauduree-induced coma) - my bag wasn't zippered all the way and we were by the Louvre, which is notorious for tourist theft. Luckily I was paying some attention though... I was just walking along and felt something shift in my bag, so I looked back and caught a young girl with her hand in my purse! I was so shocked I didn't even have anything to say, I just checked that all my things were there and continued on. It was a good reminder to be careful though!

Daniel left Saturday morning and I went to the ballet that afternoon - the Hamburg Ballet was at the Palais Garnier. I don't know where I got this, but I was expecting a traditional ballet and it was anything but. It was like a strange space age melodrama with a lot of gold lamé, cone shaped hats and PVC pants. It was still amazing to be there, obviously, but this was definitely not a favorite. Afterwards, I went for a walk around the grand magasins, which are starting to light up their Christmas displays! Printemps had a window for Alexander McQueen's latest and I love how they staged it.

This afternoon I went to Canal St. Martin. It was Monday so a lot of places were closed, but it was fun just to window shop. The canal itself is really pretty and is basically just a long park. The leaves were bright yellow and there was finally some sun! I walked from where it started in the north all the way down to place de la bastille. There wasn't a lot to see around there, just a big monument.

For dinner I had my new favorite falafel. I had basically written off any food that comes from the area where I live (there's just too many tourists) but there's a hidden gem just a few doors down from my apartment! David Leibowitz was kind enough to write about this place in his blog and I'm now addicted. Its called Maoz and it is serious competition for L'as du Falafel. They make the falafel balls fresh and toast the pita when you order, so everything is crispy and warm, and the best part is their salad/condiment bar. They have cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots and four different kinds of hot sauce. Its pretty much impossible to eat it on the go and not make a mess, but my place is so close I can go home and use utensils! So perfect!

1 comment:

  1. I very much enjoy reading your entries, Lindsey! I'm so happy you're doing so very well for yourself :)
