Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Brother is Here!

Daniel is here for a visit and got in last night safe and sound. I'm pretty relieved everything went as planned and the strikes didn't affect anything! They've been going on for quite some time, including a big demonstration Thursday, and have seriously interrupted some travel, but luckily they haven't ruined any of my plans - or my brother's!

Anyway, after we took the train home from the airport, and he unpacked my new shoes that I'd ordered online and got sent to my parents' (important things first, and they're amazing!) we went for dinner at La Tourelle. Its definitely a favorite of mine and they have delicious escargots - Could there be a better introduction to Paris?

We obviously both got escargots (I love my brother, but wasn't about to share), Daniel had duck and panacotta, and I had lamb and Ile Flottant. Everything was really good, but the Ile Flottant was surprisingly amazing. I'd never been that interested before because it looks like someone just cracked a huge egg and put it on a plate, but after reading about it, I now know its actually a mound of meringue surrounded by a custard-y cream sauce and drizzled with caramel! Delicious.

After a quick trip to the grocery store for breakfast supplies, we came back to the apartment. Daniel showed me an incredible app on his Ipad called WikiHood where you can zoom in on an area and it lists all the attractions in the surrounding area - So perfect for Paris! I spent way to much time on this while he managed to sleep off some jet lag.

Today we're planning on doing some walking around and shopping. I think the plan is to start in Le Marais and work our way up to Lafayette. And hopefully the weather cooperates and stops raining!

Loving the snails...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Putting on the Ritz for Graduation

As of sometime this morning (Canada time), I officially became a master!

Of what? I still have to figure that out... Just kidding! Public Administration, of course. Mostly social and health policy. My major project involved writing a policy recommendation report for the provincial government on maternal mental health, so I definitely know a lot about that and general healthcare policy. And my primary academic interest lies in the administration of community based organizations, so I also know a lot about that too.

Anyway, although I finished all my school work in August, today is my convocation day. I’ve never really thought graduation ceremonies were that significant (I definitely didn’t go to the one for my undergrad) but it is nice to have some recognition that I do actually know something kind of important!

To celebrate, I decided to go to the Bar Hemingway at the Ritz. It was amazing, as expected. Its basically the perfect little bar. It has wood panelling, leather chairs, nice lighting, and Hemingway memorabilia everywhere, which somehow doesn’t even seem that kitschy. I asked for something bubbly and light and the bartender made me a champagne julep, which was delicious and served with a fresh white rose as garnish. I just sat at the bar and enjoyed.

On my way out, I realized I hadn’t taken any pictures (its much too chic of a place to whip out your camera) so I managed to get a few as I was leaving. There is a really long hallway with glass cases of designer stuff that served as the backdrop. And I happened to run into a lesbian couple who just got married and were kind enough to take some pictures. So here they are... (I’m a little embarrassed to be posting so many of just myself, but I’ll do it for my mom so she has a choice for the family album! Also, I look like a robot in some of them because I tried to fix my red eye, which always, no-fail happens in every picture I take)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Shoe Repair, AllSaints and Contemporary Art

So I had a pretty exciting day and took a ton of pictures, but I don’t really feel like writing about it. I’m just going to post them and make comments...

I went to the first ever Christian Louboutin store to drop off my shoe to be fixed, and I think I’ve unearthed a true Parisian gem - There’s an amazing shoe repair shop right next door.

I was more impressed with this space than the Louboutin store itself! It feels like walking into a traditional French atelier (because it is!) where you can admire expert craftsmanship. Its also nice to think that all the shoes have loving owners who are willing to fix them. All of the broken shoes are lined up just waiting for their turn - like a shoe hospital. Mine will get its turn in three weeks - definitely not in time for tomorrow’s night out, but so worth it.

The store is obviously Louboutin-focused considering they’re neighbours and judging by all the red soles, but I’m pretty sure its open to anyone. And that ‘anyone’ has included Audrey Hepburn and Lauren Bacall! Seriously!

There were some other stores in the same covered pedestrian street that were really cool. Mostly art galleries, but also a restaurant and a make-up store (By Terry - i.e. the one who invented YSL Touche Eclat, but its totally overrated in my opinion) and an amazing furniture store. I'm in love with this light fixture:

Here are some pictures of the Louboutin store windows

A few blocks down from here is the AllSaints store - a new favorite thanks to the recommendation of my boyfriend's sister, Claire. I'd heard about them before but didn't pay much attention because they're mostly known for their leather, but it turns out they have amazing printed silk draped dresses and incredible shoes and jewelry. I didn't get anything because I was in love with everything, but I have a feeling I'll go back before I leave. They didn't let me take pictures inside, but here's the outside at least (notice the tan wedges with the cutout - I want them)

After this visit I took the metro to the 16th arrondissement to see the ultimate of designer consignment. On Rue Pompe there's a series of stores under the name Reciproque. Its pretty much a dumping ground for wealthy Parisians, but their hand-me-downs put most wardrobes to shame. There were never before worn YSL Tributes, a monogrammed Birkin (if only my last name started with an H!), and an emerald green tweed Chanel dress with gold buttons. Another huge plus is that it doesn't smell like most consignment stores, which is the primary reason I don't go. I was too busy browsing to take any pictures, but I might be back.

I walked down Rue Victor Hugo to the Arc de Triomphe and then walked up the Champs Elysees and down some side streets. I stopped at the Disney store to look for a Halloween costume, but they didn't have any! I'm thinking about being a dalmatian because I think Cruella DeVille will be at Disneyland on Halloween and that would be too good of a photo op to miss...

I went to the Grand Palais for the International Fair of Contemporary Art. I probably wouldn't have gone but I got in for free with my Louvre membership, and I really wanted to see the main building of the Grand Palais (unfortunately it wasn't for the Chanel show, but it was still amazing!) I was obviously more interested in the building than the art as you can see by my pictures, but there were definitely interesting things to see. My favorite was a flower picture (how surprising) and one of Alexander McQueen (another shocker)

There was a really pretty sunset as I was walking home...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

More Class...

So I signed up for two more weeks of French class, which explains the lack of updates. On days I have school, I usually just do my homework in the morning, go to class in the afternoon, walk around in between Montparnasse or St. Germain des Pres and then come home - nothing really newsworthy.

Walking to and from class is definitely the highlight of my day. I try to take different streets every time and know the area well enough that I can get lost without actually getting lost. There is seriously always something amazing to see, so it doesn’t matter what way I go anyway. I love peeking into different stores and ateliers, looking at the buildings, and just being with different kinds of people (i.e. mobile people watching).

And, of course, I love discovering new patisseries. On Tuesday I went to patisserie Sadaharu Aoki (which, in all honesty, wasn’t by chance at all) I’d read amazing reviews about it a few times and its really close to Alliance Francaise, so I just had to go. Its a tiny, all white store of pure amazingness. It infuses typical Asian flavors (wasabi, matcha, sesame, etc.) into traditional French pastries. I had a wasabi macaron that had just a hint of spice (not pictured because I ate it on the way home), a sesame/strawberry macaron and an earl grey macaron. I also got a more elaborate pastry that actually resembled a tennis ball, but was delicious anyway - I think it was lightly coated in Matcha powder. I didn’t read the sign carefully and totally forgot what exactly was in it, but I’m pretty sure it was a ball of matcha cream filled with some crispy layer on the bottom and, if I’m not mistaken, sweetened beans. Weird, but so good.

Yesterday I didn’t have class, so just walked around the 1st and 8th arrondissements. I went to Lafayette for lunch, bought a new dress at Manoukian, went to Fauchon and visited the Eglise de la Madeleine. It was a pretty great day.

Tomorrow I have no plans, so we’ll see what happens. I haven’t really been to the 16th yet or the area around the Eiffel Tower, so I’ll go if its warm. Also, I was trying on outfit possibilities for this Saturday (my convocation in Canada on Saturday = a perfect reason to go to the Ritz bar in Paris) and my shoe broke! The elastic at the ankle strap came out of my favorite pair of heels that I’ve only worn once before. I guess its just lucky it happened during the trial run and I didn’t fall on my face at the Ritz. So maybe I’ll try to find somebody who fixes shoes, or go straight to the source - maybe Monsieur Louboutin will stitch it back in himself?!

Anyway, picture time! I’ve been really inconsistent at using my camera (sorry, Mom!) but here’s a few...