Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Brother is Here!

Daniel is here for a visit and got in last night safe and sound. I'm pretty relieved everything went as planned and the strikes didn't affect anything! They've been going on for quite some time, including a big demonstration Thursday, and have seriously interrupted some travel, but luckily they haven't ruined any of my plans - or my brother's!

Anyway, after we took the train home from the airport, and he unpacked my new shoes that I'd ordered online and got sent to my parents' (important things first, and they're amazing!) we went for dinner at La Tourelle. Its definitely a favorite of mine and they have delicious escargots - Could there be a better introduction to Paris?

We obviously both got escargots (I love my brother, but wasn't about to share), Daniel had duck and panacotta, and I had lamb and Ile Flottant. Everything was really good, but the Ile Flottant was surprisingly amazing. I'd never been that interested before because it looks like someone just cracked a huge egg and put it on a plate, but after reading about it, I now know its actually a mound of meringue surrounded by a custard-y cream sauce and drizzled with caramel! Delicious.

After a quick trip to the grocery store for breakfast supplies, we came back to the apartment. Daniel showed me an incredible app on his Ipad called WikiHood where you can zoom in on an area and it lists all the attractions in the surrounding area - So perfect for Paris! I spent way to much time on this while he managed to sleep off some jet lag.

Today we're planning on doing some walking around and shopping. I think the plan is to start in Le Marais and work our way up to Lafayette. And hopefully the weather cooperates and stops raining!

Loving the snails...

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