Saturday, October 2, 2010

Notre Dame Concert and Monet

I’m finally feeling entirely healthy again! It feels so good to be able to breath and walk around and have energy! And, of course, to be able to taste...

I’d been eating a lot of grapes because there are literally piles of them at the grocery store, but I’ve just been able to taste them, and they’re amazing! Even the green ones, which I generally avoid. Although I guess its pretty obvious that France would have good grapes. Anyway, to celebrate this renewed sense, I’m planing on going to Angelina’s today for their famous hot chocolate - slightly more indulgent than grapes!

Despite not feeling great, I’ve been able to do some some incredible things the past couple of days. On Thursday night I went to a concert in Notre Dame - so cool! It was Campra’s Requiem, performed by an entire orchestra and choir (complete with the cutest little kids!) The music itself was amazing, but just being in the Cathedral at night was the best. Its such a different feeling when the stained glass windows aren’t lit up by the daylight - kind of eery with dark corners everywhere but still beautiful. Since this was just one in a series of concerts and its so close to where I live, I will for sure be going back.

Yesterday, I was able to check a huge to-do off my Paris list - visiting the Monet exhibit at the Grand Palais! It was seriously unbelievable, and actually worth the two hour wait in line! I’ve always been a fan - the water lilies, the Rouen cathedral series, women with parasols - but this exhibit brought it all together in an amazing way. In every section, you could see how light was his primary focus, and how his treatment of it evolved. I liked his later paintings of the gardens at Giverny, more abstraction than anything when you look up close, where there is a lot of room for interpretation (of the image, not the subject). But I also liked his portraits of Camille, the sea scapes, and still lifes - particularly red chrysanthemums). Basically I liked everything, except my long time favorite still remains The Magpie - or by its funny original French name, La Pie. I bought the catalogue, but the images look so flat compared to the actual paintings, so I’m more than happy that I got to see it!

In other, more disappointing, news - Fashion Week is a total bust so far. I was hoping it would be really exciting, but its really not. The schedule of the fashion shows is posted online, so its easy enough to get there and see what’s up, but its just so boring. The tent by the Grand Palais has a prime people watching spot on the bridge above, but nothing really eventful happens. I walked by the Gaspard Yurkievich and Vivienne Westwood shows yesterday and stayed for a pretty long time, but its basically just a long white tent with the usual fashion suspects standing around the entrance not doing much. There are some press people with huge cameras and a few companies handing out product samples, but that’s about it. I’m sure its more lively inside, but that seems reserved for a very select few. At the Vivienne Westwood show there was a line for standing room that might have been accessible, but I didn’t want to go badly enough to put on a pretentious face and still risk getting rejected! Maybe I’ll have some more interesting encounters before fashion week is over, but I think I’m done seeking them out.

Tonight I’m planning to take in some of the art installations of the Nuit Blanche. From what I’ve read, I think its basically an all night event that showcases a lot of different contemporary artists in venues around the city. The major museums might also be open all night, but I’m not entirely sure - I’ll let you know how it goes! I tried to sleep in this morning, but was woken up by my mirror falling off the wall! It was terrifying, and I couldn't get back to sleep, so we'll see how long I can stay up...

These pictures are from the last couple of days - the concert at Notre Dame, fashion shows, and just walking around. The Monet exhibit didn’t allow cameras, so there’s nothing from that.

I went to Lafayette on Wednesday to have lunch - they have the best cafe. I love their salad bar and the view doesn't really get any better! The Opera House is right across the street and the Eiffel Tower just in the distance. This is also exciting because I just got my tickets in the mail for the Roland Petit ballet and the Hamburg Ballet at the Opera House!

These are just from walking around... Its definitely autumn in Paris! The leaves are turning really pretty colors, but I hope they last a little longer!

Fashion Show Pictures...

This guy pretty much sums up the overall mood, and kind of looked like a skinny, stylized version of my brother (maybe a new look, Daniel? One long lock in the front and cataract glasses?)

The line at the Monet exhibit - ridiculous! Luckily I brought a book, and it was a good temperature, and there was a pretty fountain to look at...

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