Saturday, October 16, 2010

Halfway mark...

So I’m officially in the very middle of my trip - I’ve been here for two months, but still have another two months to go! The time has gone by super fast (as expected, really) but I’ve been trying to get as much as I can out of every day. I’ve been able to find a good balance between doing interesting things and just relaxing.

Although this past week it seems relaxing has won out (hence the lack of blog posts!) The weather was really nice, so I took advantage of it and visited some gardens, finished my book, and generally just spent a lot of time outside. On my days ‘off’ from class I usually just walk around - recently I’ve been wandering in my own neighbourhood, the Latin Quarter, quite a lot. Its pretty amazing - it has most schools from the University of Paris, the Pantheon, the St. Severin church, the St. Michel fountain, and the Luxembourg Gardens. I also like walking up to the Opera House, going to Lafayette/Printemps, and window shopping on rue St. Honore.

On Sunday, after a particularly long walk, I went to Angelina on rue de Rivoli. Its a famous tea room that has legendary hot chocolate and a pastry called the Mont Blanc. I obviously had to try them both! Separately they were incredible - the hot chocolate was literally hot, melted chocolate and the Mont Blanc was a mound of chestnut paste surrounding a delicious inside of whipped cream and meringue. But together, it was a bit too much for me. I’m not a huge chocolate person anyway, so it was definitely a recipe for overdose, and the chestnut paste was just too paste-y. But, it was still incredible - the room itself is packed with tables and chairs and the mirrored walls helped facilitate some of the best people watching yet! I’ll just know next time to get one or the other...

I also went back to Notre Dame on Tuesday night for another concert - this time an organ recital. Its just such a cool feeling being in there at night. Although the music could have been a soundtrack to a horror movie - it was pretty intense and creepy! It didn’t help that I was sitting at the very outside and was almost by myself in a dark alcove. It was also kind of weird because there was nothing to look at - everyone sat facing the alter but the organ was behind us. The only glimpse we got of the organist was when he (and his bow tie) poked out from the second floor to receive his applause. It was still incredible though - I love those concerts!

Other than that, I’ve just been going to class. I originally signed up for five weeks, but that would mean this past Thursday was my last one. I really like them and my teacher is amazing, so I think I’ll sign up for two more weeks. I’m definitely learning a lot, but its also nice to spend a few afternoons in a class just to structure my week around!

Today I’m going to the big flea market (apparently the biggest in the world!) just outside the north of the city (I think its called Les Puces de St. Ouen) - I woke up early to go, but thought I should first answer my mom’s request for an update! Here are a few pictures - I haven’t really taken very many, but I’m sure there will be a lot to document at the market today!

At Angelina...

Paris is so pretty when its sunny!

The aftermath of a strike... It ended just as I got out of class, but we could hear it clearly all afternoon. They are increasing the age of retirement, and everyone is super upset about it.

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