Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Major Fashion Moment

Last night was Vogue’s Fashion Night Out in Paris, which is basically a huge shopping event where designer stores throw amazing, super exclusive parties on Le Triangle d’Or (a very accurate label for three intersecting streets packed with every fashion house you could dream of).

Obviously its something I wanted to check out, but I really had no intention of participating in any way - mostly considering you needed an invitation to get in anywhere. So I got ready, changed into heels as soon as we walked there, and was prepared for some serious people watching.

The streets were packed with style-worshippers of all types, and it was so interesting to see them in one place. A crowd of unnaturally skinny, Balmain-inspired young men would be walking next to a wealthy older woman wearing Chanel and having her companion carry her Hermes. The younger girls (probably half the crowd) seemed to stick to the typical Parisian fashion look - weirdly cut pants or shorts with opaque tights, loose top preferably of silk, a leather or fur cover up, designer bag, and the highest possible heels. The most interesting type (at least to me) were the middle aged women, usually with little make up, statement glasses, sometimes ill-fitting clothes, but still unquestionably cool - they seemed to not try as hard but still have more impact than their younger counterparts.

After a good dose of checking everyone out (while they were doing the same to us, no doubt) we came across a gap in the crowd at the Diane von Furstenberg store. We walked up the steps and were almost immediately stopped by security asking for an invitation, but we managed to charm our way in! I’m pretty sure its because the guy noticed my Alexander McQueen bag, which means very little in most other circumstances but meant everything in this case.

It was the coolest event I’ve ever been to - probably the coolest I will ever go to! There were a ton of interesting-looking people, beautifully displayed clothes everywhere, amazing house music, and free food and champagne! After having my share of mini pastries, we browsed the clothes. I loved seeing all the vintage wrap dresses and the fall collection, but I fell in love with the accessories. I could only justify buying a wallet because I’ve actually been looking for one and its super pretty. The salesperson helping me was really nice and ended up giving me a gift bag too, which included a white, ribbon-embellished shirt that I’ll actually wear! So, basically, it was an unforgettable party and DVF can count me as a new super fan.

We walked off some of the excitement, only to stop at the Pucci store to take a picture because I had worn my Pucci dress. Their party extended almost all the way to the street and seemed to be the place to be, judged by the line ups and flashbulbs. As soon as Matt was done with our camera, two guys with cameras came up to me, pointed at my dress, asked “Pucci?”, I answered “Yes”, and then they took my picture like fifteen times (I was blinded by the end!) This is funny for two reasons: 1) I don’t know how to pose, so just stood there awkwardly and slapped a smile on my face (so un-fashion) and 2) the Pucci I was wearing came from a Winners in Vancouver and was seriously more than 95% on sale (also very un-fashion). The chances of these pictures getting published are pretty slim, but it was my first (and likely last) brush with the fashion paparazzi.

Anyway, it was seriously an amazing night. It was kind of surreal and so much frivolous fun, although its definitely made me think about what a weird place the fashion world is. The common facial expression resembles a cross between indifference and disdain, people judge you from a distance but hardly make eye contact, and it seems everyone is desperate to be cooler than the next (with a small exception of the wealthy and powerful). I’ve thought about pursuing some kind of work within fashion before, but this glimpse into what its actually like has definitely turned me off. Despite loving design, I know I would not have the patience to endure the pretentiousness. Its much better as a hobby, where it can be enjoyed but left at any time (like getting unfashionably excited about attending a DVF party!)

On the walk over...

Caught, once again, dreaming of Chanel...

Some stealthy photography that captures unbelievable (and dangerous!) shoulders on a jacket

Outside DVF...

Outside Pucci...

A Pierre Herme creation that I ate earlier in the day - It was the best thing I've ever tasted (Mom, you can look forward to one on your birthday!)

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